Carryover Method, How to account, Example

What is Carryover Method?

When it comes to accounting, businesses have different methods to choose from when recording financial transactions. One of these methods is the carryover method of accounting, which is also known as the continuation method. This method is commonly used by companies that have undergone a change in ownership, such as a merger or acquisition. The carryover method allows companies to carry forward the tax attributes of the acquired company, which can result in significant tax savings.

Explanation of the Carryover Method of Accounting

Under the carryover method of accounting, the acquiring company assumes the tax attributes of the acquired company, such as net operating losses, tax credits, and capital loss carryovers. These tax attributes can be used to offset the acquiring company's taxable income, reducing their overall tax liability.

Advantages of the Carryover Method of Accounting

The carryover method of accounting has several advantages. Firstly, it allows companies to utilize the tax attributes of the acquired company, which can result in significant tax savings. Additionally, the carryover method is relatively simple to implement and can be used for both federal and state tax purposes. Lastly, the carryover method can help companies to reduce the amount of taxes paid in the short term, which can free up cash flow for other business purposes.

Comparison of the Carryover Method with Other Methods of Accounting

While the carryover method of accounting has its advantages, it is not the only method available to businesses. Other methods of accounting include the step-up method and the push-down method. The step-up method allows the acquiring company to adjust the value of the assets acquired to their fair market value, which can increase the tax basis of these assets. The push-down method, on the other hand, allows the acquired company to use its tax attributes to offset its own taxable income.


In conclusion, the carryover method of accounting is an effective way for companies to reduce their tax liability following a change in ownership. By assuming the tax attributes of the acquired company, businesses can save significant amounts of money in taxes. While there are other methods of accounting available, the carryover method is relatively simple to implement and can be used for both federal and state tax purposes. Overall, the carryover method of accounting can be a valuable tool for businesses looking to maximize their tax savings.

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