Carried Party - Understanding Its Concept and Implications

What is Carried Party?

The term "carried party" is often used in the context of business and finance, but many people are still unaware of its meaning and implications. In simple terms, a carried party refers to a partner or investor who is not responsible for the day-to-day management of a business but shares in the profits or losses. In this article, we will delve deeper into the concept of carried party, its structure, and how it operates in various industries.

Understanding the Structure of Carried Party

The carried party structure is commonly used in partnerships, hedge funds, and private equity firms. It is a way for investors to invest in a business without being responsible for its daily operations. The carried party is typically the investor, while the managing partner or general partner is responsible for running the business.

The carried party structure involves two types of interests: the general partner's interest and the limited partner's interest. The general partner is the managing partner of the business and typically holds a minority interest in the venture. The limited partner, on the other hand, is the carried party, who holds a majority interest in the venture.

How Carried Party Operates in Various Industries

Carried party is a common structure used in various industries such as real estate, private equity, and hedge funds. Let's take a closer look at how it operates in each of these industries.

Real Estate: In the real estate industry, carried parties invest in real estate projects while the general partner manages the project. The general partner earns a management fee and a share of the profits. The carried party earns a share of the profits but does not have any say in the day-to-day operations of the project.

Private Equity: In private equity firms, the general partner raises money from carried parties and invests it in various businesses. The general partner charges a management fee and takes a percentage of the profits. The carried party earns a percentage of the profits but has no say in the operations of the businesses.

Hedge Funds: In hedge funds, the general partner manages the fund and charges a management fee and a percentage of the profits. The carried party invests money in the fund and earns a percentage of the profits.

Implications of Being a Carried Party

Being a carried party has its advantages and disadvantages. One of the main advantages is that the carried party can earn a share of the profits without being responsible for the day-to-day operations of the business. However, the carried party also assumes the risk of losing money if the venture fails. Additionally, the carried party has no control over the operations of the business and must rely on the general partner to make sound decisions.


In conclusion, the carried party is a common structure used in partnerships, hedge funds, and private equity firms. It is a way for investors to invest in a business without being responsible for its daily operations. The carried party earns a share of the profits but has no say in the day-to-day operations of the business. However, the carried party also assumes the risk of losing money if the venture fails. Understanding the concept of carried party is important for anyone looking to invest in these industries.

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